Refund Policy & Procedures 

  • 倘若課堂未能開辦學費收據、課程單張上所載之時間安排,而雙方亦未能為新的上課時間達成共識,已繳學費將會按比例退回。 If a class cannot be delivered according to the arrangements specified on the receipts/leaflets (irrespective of whether the course has commenced or not), and alternative class arrangements cannot be agreed upon, the paid tuition fees for the classes in concern will be refunded on a pro-rata basis.
  • 如本中心於課程開始前停止運營,已繳之課程費用將全數退回。 In case of cessation of the operations of school prior to the commencement of a course, our school will refund in full the course fee collected to pupils immediately.
  • 本校會主動通知(致電或以書面通知)十八歲以下學生的家長或監護人,關於退款金額及退款安排。 Parents or guardians (on behalf of students aged below 18) will be informed of the amount of refund via phone or electronically (e.g. WhatsApp, WeChat or Email). The amount of refund is indicated on the invoices /receipts as negative figures.
  • 退款金額可用於抵消其他未付學費或視為下期學費的預付款。 The refund amount can also be used to offset any outstanding tuition fees for the coming months.
  • 倘退沒有未付清得學費以抵消退款金額,退款金額將於退款安排達成一致的一周內以支票或現金形式退還。 If there is no outstanding tuition fee for offsetting the refund, the refund will be made (by cheque or cash) to the parents or guardians (on behalf of students aged below 18) within a week upon the agreement of the refund arrangements.

Collection of Tuition Fees

  • 學費每月按該月報讀的課堂數目收取。 Tuition fees are collected on a monthly basis according to the number of classes enrolled for the month.